Finanta Harrisburg
Focuses on the reduction of the concentration of poverty in small cities, by increasing affordable housing, improving access to community services, enabling individuals to earn a livelihood via entrepreneurship and other avenues and supporting individual and community wealth building. Provides affordable business loans, technical assistance and training to entrepreneurs, affordable housing developers and non-profit organizations who are working to make a difference in our communities. Statewide, a member of the PA Downtown Center and the Housing Alliance of PA. In Dauphin County, a member of the Harrisburg Regional Chamber of Commerce, as well as participate in consortium with other non-profits, such as the Center for Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship Development (CEEED) and the Allison Hill Planning Committee.
Related Services
Physical Address
3211 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110
Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
Application process
Telephone, walk in
None for technical support
Used for business purposes only
Service area
Cumberland, PA Dauphin, PA Franklin, PA Perry, PA
Agency info
A private, independent non-profit Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) whose mission is to provide capital in places where it is not usually available. They seek to create positive change in a community by providing entrepreneurs with access to business development loans for projects that generate jobs, create affordable housing and help to revitalize communities.