Modest Means (Low-Cost Legal Services)
Provides representation to individuals who unable to afford traditional legal services but do not qualify for various pro bono service providers. Through the program, a client, once screened, for a fee of $30 will be referred to an attorney who would provide a specific service at a discounted rate. Services are only offered in certain areas of law. Please contact the office for more information.
Related Services
Physical Address
436 Seventh Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 12:00pm and 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Application process
Call the Lawyer Referral Service for screening.
$30, payable up front with a credit card or debit card; Referral Fee The fees (charged at a fixed rate for eligible individuals) must be paid up front prior to the attorney performing any work.
Allegheny County residents with income at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines before taxes.
Service area
Allegheny, PA
Agency info
Allegheny County Bar Association
Offers consultations and provides referrals to legal services.