
Mortgage Counseling

Foreclosure prevention counseling helps people struggling to make their mortgage payments by helping them to: understand their options to avoid foreclosure; access emergency mortgage assistance through HEMAP; work with their lenders to obtain loan modifications. Reverse mortgage counseling helps people who are over 62 to understand reverse mortgages (also known as Home Equity Conversion Mortgage or HECM) and to decide if this is a good option for them. This counseling is required by law before any lender can make a reverse mortgage to a client.

Physical Address

308 East King Street, Lancaster, PA 17602


Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm


(717) 399-4127

Application process

Call 717-358-9364


No fee for foreclosure prevention counseling. $125 fee for reverse mortgage counseling


Open to the public, no eligibility requirements

Service area

Lancaster, PA

Agency info


A non-profit housing and consumer credit counseling organization with a mission to rebuild communities by helping families find housing and financial solutions.