Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
Accepts reports of child abuse/neglect in Westmoreland County. Provides in-home support to families when the Assessment Division determines that a family is in need of services After hours, or if a child is in imminent danger, call 911 to be referred to an on-call caseworker.
Related Services
Physical Address
40 North Pennsylvania Avenue, Greensburg, PA 15601
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm For after hour emergencies call 911. PA ChildLine is available 24/7.
(724) 830-3092
Application process
Report suspected child abuse to: Westmoreland County Children's Bureau main intake number: 724-830-3301 or PA ChildLine: 800-932-0313 After hours, or if a child is in imminent danger, call 911 to be referred to an on-call caseworker.
Services provided free of charge.
The child must: reside in a home of origin in Westmoreland County (exceptions made for specific circumstances) AND be a minor between the ages of 0-18, or a young adult who accesses Independent Living services (may remain eligible up to age 23).
Service area
Westmoreland, PA
Agency info
Westmoreland County Children's Bureau
Westmoreland County Children's Bureau offers intake, protective service and emergency shelter for neglected and abused children under the age of 18. Protects children from abuse and neglect, preserves families wherever possible and ensures that every child has a safe, stable and permanent home in which to grow.