Government Entity
The Franklin County Planning Department provides staff support primarily to the Agricultural Land Preservation Board and the Planning Commission. Staff support is also provided to the County Board of Commissioners as requested. "The guiding principles of the Franklin County Planning Commission include: "Promote economic development to revitalize communities, "Sustain open space and the aesthetic and historic characteristics of the County, " Protect farms, forests, and streams, and; " Safeguard our recreational and valuable natural resources. " The Planning Commission intends to maintain these principles by: " Providing guidance and sound community planning advice to local governments, " Emphasizing regional cooperation in planning efforts, and; " Fostering growth and development that will complement existing infrastructure. The Planning Commission intends to carry out this mission efficiently and in an environmentally responsible manner with respect for the role of local government in protect
Physical Address
272 North Second Street, Chambersburg, PA 17201
Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Application process
To contact the Planning office, please call (717) 261-3855 or email: [email protected].
Services are provided at no cost.
Service area
Franklin, PA
Agency info
Franklin County Government
Franklin County is governed by a board of three county commissioners elected every four years by the citizens who live here. The Board of Commissioners oversees the entire operation of the county and represents the best interests of the citizens. County commissioners also oversee the the core functions of the county government such as fiscal operations, human resources, taxes, voting, emergency services, planning, and information technology. Other officials are also elected to perform certain functions: the Controller, the Treasurer, and the Recorder of Deeds. Under the direction of these officers, the county maintains important legal records such as real estate deeds, licenses and permits, and financial records.