
Municipal, Township And Magistrate Information

Use this record to locate the appropriate municipal, township and/or magistrate offices within FULTON COUNTY. Please, either click on the website link or cut and paste it into your browser.

  • List and information for municipal, borough and township offices: Click Here OR website address to copy & paste: https://www.co.fulton.pa.us/municipalities.php
  • List and information for magistrate offices: Click Here OR website address to copy & paste: https://www.co.fulton.pa.us/mdjs.php . Use the LINK to locate township contact informaton to REPORT POST DISASTER CLEAN UP needs. Magisterial District Judges handle all traffic cases, minor criminal cases, civil cases, theft, disorderly conduct and landlord/tenet disputes involving amounts up to $12,000. The following is a list to direct you to the appropriate magistrate office for
  • Physical Address

    116 West Market Street, Suite 203, Mc Connellsburg, PA 17233


    Monday through Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm with a lunch break

    Service area

    Fulton, PA

    Agency info

    Pennsylvania Elected Officials and Government Offices

    Information to search for elected officials at the federal and state government levels. Federal/National: https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials State: https://www.legis.state.pa.us/