
Economic Self-Sufficiency

Provides low-income residents of Bucks County with the education, resources and skills necessary to thrive independent of government assistance. Conducts comprehensive assessment. Pairs clients with a Self Sufficiency Coach who helps to design an individual education and employment plan and meets with client weekly for up to five years.

Physical Address

539 Jacksonville Road, Warminster, PA 18974


Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm

Application process

Apply on the website. Call or email for more information.


Services free of charge


A) Residents of Bucks County B) Annual household income at or below 200% of the C) Federal Poverty Income Guideline Work full-time or attend a full-time education program

Service area

Bucks, PA

Agency info

Bucks County Opportunity Council

Provides emergency assistance to Bucks County residents to prevent loss of housing, utility shut-off and lack of transportation. Additionally offers financial literacy and asset development, free income tax filing, food assistance, job search and employment skills, home-energy conservation and weatherization, and the Economic Self-Sufficiency Program.