Emergency Food
Provides emergency food for people in crisis and needing food on a non-pantry day. This service is available 1 time per year per household.
Related Services
Physical Address
5301 Park Avenue, Bethel Park, PA 15102
Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
(412) 854-9123
Application process
Call to schedule a time to visit the office.
Service provided free of charge.
Families are eligible for emergency food 1 time per year per household. Families who wish to certify to use the food pantry regularly must live within SHIM's 6 school district service area, and they must have total gross household income at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level.
Translation service available
Service area
15017 15025 15031 15037 15057 15064 15071 15082 15102 15106 15122 15129 15142 15216 15227 15228 15234 15236 15241 15242 15243 15321
Agency info
South Hills Interfaith Movement
Provides essential services such as food, personal care items, clothing, financial and utility assistance, and family, children, and youth support programs.