Training and Supportive Services
Offers transportation to medical appointments and essential community resources and transportation to our low vision and diabetic support groups which are held quarterly. Provides support services encompassing a variety of activities, from organizing shopping lists and household items to reading mail and assisting clients with paying bills.
Physical Address
658 Valley Street, Lewistown, PA 17044
Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Application process
Referred by a doctor, relative, self-referral, or other individual working with the person. Set up an appointment to visit the home and conduct an intake interview. Quarterly meetings are open to the public and inform the participants of ways to understand, compensate for, and adjust to their vision loss and help them maintain their independence.
Services free of charge
Have an impaired vision, defined as a "visual acuity with best correction of 20/70 in the better eye, a corresponding loss of visual fields, or any progressive sight-threatening disease or a significant functional limitation"
Service area
Huntingdon, PA Juniata, PA Mifflin, PA
Agency info
NuVisions Center
Provides transportation and support services to persons with vision loss. Is a resource for the community regarding information on the prevention of blindness. Provides educational programs, and preschool and adult vision screenings. Conducts low vision and diabetic support groups and helps persons with low income obtain eye exams and glasses.