
Forensic Nurse Examiner (FNE)

Offers survivors prompt and compassionate care and a comprehensive medical-forensic examination to reduce further trauma. Care includes assessing for injury with emergency medical consultation, providing post-exposure prophylactic treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), screening for pregnancy, and obtaining forensic evidence. Also provides referrals for ongoing medical and psychological care and support.

Physical Address

2370 York Road, Jamison, PA 18929


Service available 24/7

Application process

Go to your local Buck County emergency room or call the hotline.


Services provided free of charge


Victims / survivors of sexual assault or interpersonal violence (IPV)

Service area

Bucks, PA

Agency info


Supports, counsels and empowers victims of sexual assault and other serious crimes in Bucks County and works to prevent and eliminate violence in society through advocacy, training, community education and prevention programs.