
Domiciliary Care

Matches certified care providers with adults 18+ in need of a caring, supportive home but who do not require special around-the-clock attention. Offers room and board, housekeeping, laundry, assistance with personal hygiene and budgeting, supervision of medication administration and assistance with medical appointments.

Physical Address

642 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130


Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm

Application process

Call or visit website for more information.


Call for more information


Serves Philadelphia County residents

Service area

Philadelphia, PA

Agency info

Philadelphia Corporation for Aging

Coordinates a broad range of services that help older Philadelphians live as independently as possible. Services include: care at home, advocacy, caregiver support, employment assistance, health promotion, home repair, information and referral, legal assistance, home-delivered meals, protective services, senior community centers, transportation, and many more. Special consideration is given to those with the greatest social, economic, and health needs.