Unemployment Information Center
Helps people who lost their jobs to save their homes. Provides housing counseling services such as resolving mortgage delinquency and preventing foreclosure within the City’s Mortgage Foreclosure Diversion Program, representing homeowners in appeals when they are denied assistance through the Homeowners Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program, and providing real estate tax delinquency counseling to avoid tax foreclosure. Also provides rental and eviction prevention counseling.
Related Services
Physical Address
112 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Application process
Call or email for information.
Services free of charge
Homeowners and renters residing in Philadelphia County
Service area
Philadelphia, PA
Agency info
Philadelphia Unemployment Project
Helps Philadelphia's unemployed by providing information and referral for unemployment compensation, TANF, Medicaid, food stamps, health care, and housing. Organizing the unemployed to unite with labor, religious organization and the community to advocate for jobs and economic justice. IMPORTANT: COVID-19 updates Due to the escalating threat of the COVID19 pandemic, our office will be closed until further notice. All staff will continue to work remotely and monitor their e-mail communications. If you are out of work due to the Coronavirus you should be able to collect Unemployment Compensation. You can apply online at www.uc.pa.gov/unemployment-benefits or call 1-888-313-7284. If you want more information about unemployment benefits call Ted Kelly at PUP 610-715-6924 The phones can be very difficult to get through to, so if you have a problem calling for help or information you can go to the Career Link and call on a dedicated line that will be answered.