
Oasis House

Offers services to help individuals with a mental health diagnosis rebuild their lives and regain skills related to employment, education, companionship, connections to their community, and self-respect. Some holiday, evening, and weekend services are available.

Physical Address

751 South Queen Street, York, PA 17403


Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm with some evenings, weekends, and holidays


(717) 854-2433

Application process



Clinical and financial determination is made by York/Adams County HealthChoices Management Unit (HCMU)


Individuals age 18 and older with a serious Mental Health Diagnosis

Service area

York, PA

Agency info

Bell Socialization Services

Provides programs to assist individuals with mental health services and intellectual disabilities. Agency also serves the community with shelter services to meet the needs of York County families experiencing housing instability.