
Philly First Home

Provides up to $10,000 (or 6% of the purchase price whichever is less) in assistance. Funds can be used towards a down payment and/or closing cost.

Physical Address

1234 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107


Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm.

Application process

Contact a city funded housing counseling agency. List of agencies can be found through the intake website.


Call for details.


The homebuyer must: A) Be a first time homebuyer or a buyer who has not owned a home for at least three years B) Purchase a home in Philadelphia C) Have a household income at or below 100% Area Median Income D) Complete housing counseling at a DHCD funded housing counseling agency

Service area

Philadelphia, PA

Agency info

City of Philadelphia

Provides various municipal programs and services associated with the City of Philadelphia.