
Support Services

Helps families manage budgets to meet the unique needs of their loved one and to understand the concept of self-determination. Works with contractors and vendors to secure bids and complete work for home and vehicle modifications or adaptive appliances and equipment.

Physical Address

31 South Dorcas Street, Lewistown, PA 17044


Varied; call for details

Application process

Contact Director of Family Support Services for intake information.


Fees vary by program


Individual with developmental disability

Service area

Huntingdon, PA Juniata, PA Mifflin, PA

Agency info

Compass Community Connections

Recognizes that all people desire to have a right to live in dignity within the limits of their capabilities and to be responsible for their own welfare and destiny. The basic purpose of the Compass Community Connections is to make this possible, working in cooperation with others. The Compass Community Connections believes, therefore, that all persons are entitled to the services and supports needed for maximum development of their potential as accepted and contributing members of society. Because the challenges of people with disabilities are shared by and contribute to those supporting them, all programs and services must reflect this.