Home Medical Equipment Service and Delivery at Chambersburg
Sells medical equipment and provides delivery, 24 hour emergency oxygen service (if need emergency oxygen service after normal business hours, call 877-501-4716 for on-call answering service), equipment manufacturer technicians, licensed respiratory therapists, NRRTS Registered and RESHA Certified Assistive Technology professionals.
Related Services
Physical Address
440 Gateway Avenue, Chambersburg, PA 17201
Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Application process
Call, walk-in, or visit website.
Fees vary by service. Most insurance accepted.
No limitations or restrictions.
Service area
Franklin, PA
Agency info
Dick's Homecare
Sells and delivers durable medical equipment to help people remain safe and mobile in their own homes. Services include a respiratory department with licensed respiratory therapists to handle all respiratory needs and a rehabilitation department to help with custom rehabilitative and assistive technology equipment needs.