Restore, Repair, Renew
Helps Philadelphia homeowners to access low-interest home equity loans to invest in their properties. Offers a 10-year fixed-rate 3% interest home equity term loan ranging from $2,500 to $50,000 (inclusive of 10% contingency) to eligible homeowners with a household income of 120% of area median or less. Services provided include: Help determining if you are eligible for the program Financial counseling Help identifying necessary repairs Connecting to a participating lender Help finding a contractor Help applying for the loan
Physical Address
1635 Market Street, 5th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 6:00pm
Application process
Call or email: [email protected]
Call for details.
Philadelphia homeowners: 1) Whose primary residence needs repairs. 2) With household income of 120% of area median or less. 3) With credit scores above 580. 4) Who are up to date on public utilities and taxes or are in a payment plan with the City. 5) Who do not have L & I violations or will eliminate violations as part of the program. 6) Who have homeowners insurance.
Service area
Philadelphia, PA
Agency info
Clarifi provides financial education and counseling on personal finance topics including budgeting, credit, debt repayment, bankruptcy, homeownership, foreclosure prevention, and reverse mortgage.