
Housing Opportunities for Re-Entry

Provides housing, treatment, and supportive services for returning citizens

Physical Address

539 Jacksonville Road, Warminster, PA 18974


Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm

Application process

Referral from Bucks County Correctional Facility staff, or from Bucks County Probation/Parole officer.


Services provided free of charge


A) Have a mental illness or substance abuse disorder B) Previously or currently incarcerated C) On or eligible for parole D) Unstably housed or experiencing homelessness E) Adults 18+

Service area

Bucks, PA

Agency info

Bucks County Opportunity Council

Provides emergency assistance to Bucks County residents to prevent loss of housing, utility shut-off and lack of transportation. Additionally offers financial literacy and asset development, free income tax filing, food assistance, job search and employment skills, home-energy conservation and weatherization, and the Economic Self-Sufficiency Program.