
Telephone Counseling Service

Offers a free Telephone Counseling and Consumer Education Service. Volunteer counselors give basic self-help information about procedures and laws regarding a wide range of subjects of concern to Pennsylvania women. Family-related topics include domestic violence, child custody, child and spousal support, separation and divorce, and the legal rights of lesbian and gay parents. Work-related topics include family and medical leave, sexual harassment, and employment discrimination. Counselors use the resource database to refer callers to other agencies that may be able to help them. If desired, counselors mail free written materials to callers regarding the areas of concern for them.

Physical Address

125 South 9th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107


Monday through Friday, 9:30am to 4:30pm

Application process

Call to speak with an Intake person or fill out Need Help form on website.


This service is FREE.


Must live in Pennsylvania

Service area

Bucks, PA Chester, PA Delaware, PA Montgomery, PA Philadelphia, PA

Agency info

Women's Law Project

Offers legal services to women, LGBTQ individuals, and youth.