
Lehigh County Office of Aging and Adult Services

Committed to supporting and empowering the well being of adults of all ages, residing in Lehigh County. Information and assistance is provided to enable individuals to remain active, healthy, productive and independent in their community. Senior Services include: - PA MEDI - Adult day care - Assessment - Care Management - Caregiver Support Program - Cedarview Apartments - Health and Wellness - Homemaker/home support (18-59 years of age) - Housing case management/housing assistance - Information and assistance - Neighborhood senior centers - PA LINK to Aging and Disability Resources (www.lehighnorthamptonlink.org) - Ombudsman program - Personal care - Protective services - Transportation Click here to find information on subsidized housing, home health care, personal care homes, nursing homes, retirement communities, etc

Physical Address

17 South Seventh Street, Room 230, Allentown, PA 18101


Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm; Emergency service 24/7

Application process

Telephone, internet, walk-in


Fees vary


Adults over 60

Service area

Lehigh, PA

Agency info

Lehigh County Office of Aging and Adult Services

Committed to supporting and empowering the well being of adults of all ages, residing in Lehigh County. Information and assistance is provided to enable individuals to remain active, healthy, productive and independent in their community.