
Cradle Pregnancy Resource Center

The Cradle Pregnancy Resource Center (CPRC) offers counseling and decision-making support to mothers who are pregnant and are feeling overwhelmed by their pregnancy. For those who are still unsure what they are going to do about their pregnancy, the staff and volunteers at CPRC offer guidance and support and information about the choices available to pregnant women and new mothers, and a host of services to assist them, including: A) Pregnancy Testing and Counseling B) Housing Assistance C) Parenting Classes D) Assistance applying for state assistance, subsidized child care, and subsidized housing E) Adoption assistance, birth support groups, doulas, adoption services, anger management, medical care, long term counseling, etc. F) Baby clothes, diapers, & formula

Physical Address

2242 Mount Carmel Avenue, Glenside, PA 19038


Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm

Application process

Call for information


No fees


Women who might be pregnant, pregnant women, parents and caregivers of children under age 1

Service area

Bucks, PA Chester, PA Delaware, PA Montgomery, PA Philadelphia, PA

Agency info

Cradle of Hope

Serves as a home for single mothers and children which offers housing and support services for three mothers and children for up to 18 months in the Philadelphia area. Located in Montgomery County, the home is directed by an eight-member board committed to the sanctity of human life. The board of directors, professionals in the areas of health, education, law and finance, operate the home as a commitment to stand behind the young woman who chooses to keep and raise her child, thus offering an alternative to abortion.