
Readiness in Skilled Employment (RISE)

Offers a workforce development program that provides opportunity to obtain technical training. Coaches guide participants through the process to ensure goals are achieved and barriers are reduced. Participants take technical classes at Johnson College to obtain industry-specific credentials. In addition to classes, participants take part in employee readiness workshops that relate to workplace knowledge, professionalism, and long-term success. After program completion, participants will have earned professional certification in a high-priority occupation and find gainful employment.

Physical Address

425 Alder Street, Scranton, PA 18505


Irregular - call or visit website for details.

Application process

Visit website for application.


Services free of charge


Residents of Lackawanna or Luzerne County at or below 250% of the federal poverty level; interested in a career path that provides a family-sustaining wage.

Service area

Lackawanna, PA Luzerne, PA

Agency info

United Neighborhood Centers of NEPA

Dedicated to assessing and meeting the needs of low-income families, youth, senior citizens, and new immigrants in Northeast Pennsylvania and empowering them to attain self-sufficiency.