
Bridge Housing Program

Transitional living program for those who qualify. Housing Specialists located at Bridge Housing are available to assist Tioga County residents with security deposits/first month rent and utility assistance and other housing options.

Physical Address

63rd Street, Mansfield, PA 16933


Office: Monday through Friday, 7:30am to 4:00pm, after hour on call system.

Application process

Scheduled Appointments are appreciated, but walk-in appointments are accepted. Call during hours of operation.


Call for details


Serves Tioga County residents only. Homeless, near homeless, those who have experienced Domestic Violence, people in need of safe housing to reunite with their children in care or to prevent placement due to unsafe housing.

Service area

Tioga, PA

Agency info

Tioga County Department of Human Services

Governmental department whose purpose is to protect, serve and improve the quality of life for Tioga County's citizens by effectively managing the county's human services programs and resources. Services are family-based and focus on prevention.