Parents as Teachers
An early childhood parent education and family support program designed to empower all parents to be their child's teacher. Provides parents with information on child development from birth to age 3 and suggests learning opportunities that encourage language, intellectual, physical, social and emotional growth. It is a voluntary primary prevention program that offers: - Personal Visits: Personalized home visits by certified parent educators, trained in child development to help parents understand what to expect in each stage of their child's development and offer practical tips on ways to encourage, learning to manage challenging behavior and promote strong parent-child relationships. Visits are offered bi-weekly. - Group Meetings: Parents meet together to gain new insights and to share their experiences, common concerns and successes. Group meetings also provide families the opportunity to participate in parent-child activities. Group meetings occur on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month 10 am-12
Related Services
Physical Address
601 South Queen Street, Lancaster, PA 17603
Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
(717) 431-1030
Application process
Referral by phone
Expectant parents, parents with physical custody of children from 0 to 3 years, Resident of Lancaster City or County
Service area
Lancaster, PA
Agency info
Community Action Partnership of Lancaster County
Provides a wide variety of services to low-income children, adults and families including programs that support child development and education; health and nutrition; household stability; and public safety and violence prevention.