
Food Pantry

Provides food to residents of the Hill District and Polish Hill (Zip Codes 15219 or 15213) twice a month. Drop-ins come twice a month. On alternate weeks, groceries are delivered to the housebound or shut-ins.

Physical Address

3103 Brereton Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219


Wednesday and Friday, every other week. 9:00am to 12:00pm

Application process

Drop in or call to register for Jubilee Food Pantry. Please call for emergency food if needed.


Call for details.


Low-income residents in Zip Code 152139 or 15219.

Service area

15219 15213, Pittsburgh, PA

Agency info

Jubilee Association

Supports the Hill District and surrounding Pittsburgh community. Operates the only soup kitchen in the area open to everyone 365 days a year for breakfast, lunch, and takeout meals. Open from morning to early afternoon, the dining area doubles as a social engagement space for volunteers and staff to form close bonds with guests, fostering a sense of belonging and building a community of respect and encouragement.