ReStore Program
Sells new or gently used home building materials at low prices. Recycles overstocked, seconds gently used, discontinued, and salvageable building materials donated by manufacturers, stores, contractors, and individuals. Proceeds from the sales support Habitat's mission of building homes for deserving families with low incomes.
Physical Address
335 Rose Street, Williamsport, PA 17701
Restore Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm; Saturday, 9:00am to 3:00pm; Closed Sundays
Application process
Please call for questions about donations or to schedule a donation pick up.
Items are then resold to the general public at 50-75% below regular retail prices.
Store open to public.
Service area
Lycoming, PA
Agency info
Greater Lycoming Habitat for Humanity
Habitat builds and rehabilitates simple, decent houses with the help of the homeowner (partner) families. Habitat houses are sold to partner families at no profit, financed with affordable, no-interest loans. The homeowners' monthly mortgage payments are recycled into a revolving Fund for Humanity that is used to build more houses.