Elk County Salvation Army Service Center
Provides emergency assistance for individuals and families in crisis seeking assistance for such things as food, clothing, shelter, rent, household utility expenses and similar miscellaneous living needs. Referrals made for assistance not offered at facility. May also offer seasonal assistance, such as Back-to-School and Project Bundle-Up where funds are available. Call for holiday programs (toys and food).
Physical Address
245 Main Street, Ridgway, PA 15853
Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 3:00pm
Application process
Call or visit in person. Telephones are not answered on the weekend.
No fees apply
Financially struggling individuals and families in crisis.
Service area
15821 15822 15827 15831 15841 15845 15846 15853 15857 Byrnedale, PA Dagus Mines, PA Force, PA Johnsonburg, PA Kersey, PA Ridgway, PA Saint Marys, PA Weedville, PA Wilcox, PA
Agency info
Salvation Army - Elk County Service Center
Provides emergency assistance individuals and families with food, clothing, shelter, household utility expenses and similar miscellaneous living needs. May also offer seasonal assistance, such as Back-to-School and Project Bundle-Up where funds are available. Overnight Summer Camp for youths ages 6-12.