Bureau of Water
Consumer services include: * Maintenance of broken water main * Maintains mains * Maintains meters * Maintains lines from main to valve box at curb (curb to meter is homeowners responsibility) * Handles complaints about cloudy or dirty water * Investigation of low water pressure * Providing information about the water supply. (Call Laboratory) * Maintains a list of local laboratories that have been certified by the EPA to test the water quality.(i.e. Lead content, call Laboratory)
Related Services
Physical Address
150 Pitney Road, Lancaster, PA 17602
Office hours: Monday through Friday, 7:45am to 4:15pm
Application process
Residents of: Lancaster
Service area
Lancaster, PA
Agency info
City of Lancaster - Department of Public Works
A city administration office that supervises the following: - Bureau of Streets - Bureau of Parks and Public Property - Bureau of Engineering - Bureau of Water - Bureau of Wastewater Operations (formerly Sewer) - Bureau of Solid Waste & Recycling - Public Art - Sustainability Program Complaints regarding one of the Bureaus should go directly to that Bureau. If the complainant is not satisfied, they should then contact the Department of Public Works directly.