
Bureau of Water

Consumer services include: * Maintenance of broken water main * Maintains mains * Maintains meters * Maintains lines from main to valve box at curb (curb to meter is homeowners responsibility) * Handles complaints about cloudy or dirty water * Investigation of low water pressure * Providing information about the water supply. (Call Laboratory) * Maintains a list of local laboratories that have been certified by the EPA to test the water quality.(i.e. Lead content, call Laboratory)

Physical Address

150 Pitney Road, Lancaster, PA 17602


Office hours: Monday through Friday, 7:45am to 4:15pm

Application process





Residents of: Lancaster

Service area

Lancaster, PA

Agency info

City of Lancaster - Department of Public Works

A city administration office that supervises the following: - Bureau of Streets - Bureau of Parks and Public Property - Bureau of Engineering - Bureau of Water - Bureau of Wastewater Operations (formerly Sewer) - Bureau of Solid Waste & Recycling - Public Art - Sustainability Program Complaints regarding one of the Bureaus should go directly to that Bureau. If the complainant is not satisfied, they should then contact the Department of Public Works directly.