Family Services
Family centers provide families with a network of services accessible through local schools. Services available include healthcare services/clinics, family literacy programs, PAT (an in-home parenting program for 0-5 years old) summer recreational and enrichment programs, information and referral to other community resources. Family Centers are located at: Broughal Middle School 114 W Morton St, Bethlehem 18015 Donegan Elementary 1210 D 4th St, Bethlehem 18017 Marvine Elementary 1425 Livingston St, Bethlehem 18017 After school and summer programs available at some school. Parent/Community members should contact their school for information. Community School provide support and resources to families and community members at Broughal Middle School, Donegan Elementary, Fountain Hill Elementary, Lincoln Elementary and William Penn Elementary.
Physical Address
1425 Livingston Street, Bethlehem, PA 18017
Monday through Thursday, 8:30am to 6:00pm Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Application process
Telephone, walk-in
Call for details
Families residing within the Bethlehem Area School District
Service area
18015 18017 18018 18020 18045 18055 18064 18109
Agency info
Bethlehem Area School District
School district