
Children and Youth Services Internships

Offers opportunities for college seniors to supplement their education and experience in the field of child welfare through internship positions. Allows the student to gain relevant work experience, enhance their resume, and begin job seeking in the child welfare field.

Physical Address

420 Holmes Street, Bellefonte, PA 16823


Contact the office Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm. Interviews for the spring semester position are generally conducted in October and November. Interviews for the fall semester position are generally conducted in April and May.

Application process

Fill out an application <a href="https://centrecountypa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/19736/Application-for-Employment-Fillable-July-2022?bidId=">Here.</a> Then, send resume including a current phone number and email address to the Centre County CYS office.


Services free of charge


College seniors

Service area

Centre, PA

Agency info

Centre County Human Services- Children and Youth Services

Assures a safe home environment, free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation, for all Centre County children who are referred to the agency.