
Government Entity

Magisterial district courts are responsible for adjudicating all traffic and non-traffic citations as well as processing criminal and private criminal complaints inclusive of arraignments and preliminary hearings, the handling of civil and landlord tenant complaints up to a jurisdictional limit of $12,000 as well as parking violations. Magisterial district judge’s jurisdiction in criminal cases includes parking violations through other summary and misdemeanor and felony offenses including the initial phases of murder offenses. All misdemeanor and felony violations are more commonly called court cases. These categories of cases are filed in the district courts where they are preliminarily arraigned and afforded a preliminary hearing. At the conclusion of the preliminary hearing the charges are dismissed, waived to court or held for court and referred onto the Court of Common Pleas. Locations of the MDJ's are: Magisterial District Judge 39-2-01: Borough of Chambersburg Glenn K. Manns 218 North

Physical Address

14 North Main Street, Chambersburg, PA 17201


Varies per day.

Application process

Individuals will be notified by the court for any hearings. If individuals need additional details, they are advised to call the number listed for their MDJ's area.


Fees will be based on the outcome of the hearing.


Call for information

Service area

Franklin, PA

Agency info

Franklin County Government

Franklin County is governed by a board of three county commissioners elected every four years by the citizens who live here. The Board of Commissioners oversees the entire operation of the county and represents the best interests of the citizens. County commissioners also oversee the the core functions of the county government such as fiscal operations, human resources, taxes, voting, emergency services, planning, and information technology. Other officials are also elected to perform certain functions: the Controller, the Treasurer, and the Recorder of Deeds. Under the direction of these officers, the county maintains important legal records such as real estate deeds, licenses and permits, and financial records.