
Family Navigation

Connects families with the supports that best fit their specialized needs. Our specializations include the following areas: Introduction to Adult Services, Referrals to experts in areas of financial planning, Assistance with Supplemental Security Income (SSI) applications, Education consultation, Referrals to support groups and on-line resources, Assistance with applications to: Medical Assistance, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation and Waiver programs, General coordination of current services received from other providers, and Person-centered planning.

Physical Address

390 Reed Road, Broomall, PA 19008


Hours vary based on appointment; contact for more information

Application process

Contact for more information


Cost is $100 for initial consult and $75 per hour for future consults.


Families which meet income requirements residing in Delaware County

Service area

Delaware, PA

Agency info

Spectra Support Services, LLC

Providing holistic, strengths-based supports and interventions which improve the lives of individuals with disabilities and their families by filling service gaps across the lifespan.