In-Home Support
Provides in-home treatment program to families in crisis that aim to reduce out-of-home placements and length of unavoidable out-of-home placements. The intensive In-Home Support programs provide individual, couple and family counseling, and assist with daily living skills to improve interaction and functioning.
Related Services
Physical Address
110 Daniel Drive, Uniontown, PA 15401
Office: Weekdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Application process
Varies; Includes agency referrals: school districts, Juvenile Probation, Children and Youth services, MH/MR and managed care.
Services free of charge
Household must have child/youth, ages 0 - 21, usually with a mental health diagnosis and be considered at imminent risk of placement.
Service area
Fayette, PA
Agency info
Pressley Ridge
Offers various home, school, and community-based services for children and families to help provide a safe and supportive environment where children, youth and families can work to increase their sense of wellbeing and achieve sustainable, positive outcomes.