
Bureau of Parks & Public Property

The bureau is responsible for the general maintenance and improvement of all municipal buildings, parks, pools, playgrounds and other City-owned buildings, including Central Market, and public properties including Penn Square and Lancaster Square. Other services include: * Issuing permits for the use of City parks and facilities, including Long's and Buchanan Parks * Processing permits for trimming, planting and removal of street trees. A tree-planting program is available to all City property owners for planting trees in the public right-of-way. Nineteen varieties of trees are available, with free consultation and planting. Purchase price of trees varies

Physical Address

225 Riverside Ave, Lancaster, PA 17602


Monday through Friday, 7:00am to 3:30pm

Application process

Call, walk-in


Call for details.


No limitations or restrictions

Service area

Lancaster, PA

Agency info

City of Lancaster - Department of Public Works

A city administration office that supervises the following: - Bureau of Streets - Bureau of Parks and Public Property - Bureau of Engineering - Bureau of Water - Bureau of Wastewater Operations (formerly Sewer) - Bureau of Solid Waste & Recycling - Public Art - Sustainability Program Complaints regarding one of the Bureaus should go directly to that Bureau. If the complainant is not satisfied, they should then contact the Department of Public Works directly.