
Infant/Toddler Early Intervention

Coordinates a developmental evaluation for children birth to three years of age. Evaluation includes 5 areas of development: large and fine motor, language, cognitive, self-help and social skills. If the evaluation determines the child has a qualifying need, the service coordinator can link the child to free supports and a variety of early intervention services.

Physical Address

212 South Main Street, Butler, PA 16001


Monday through Thursday, 8:30am to 5:00pm Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm


(724) 431-0798

Application process

Call for appointment


Services provided free of charge.


Children from birth to age 3

Service area

Butler, PA

Agency info

Center for Community Resources

Coordinates supportive services for individuals and families seeking information & referral for behavioral health, intellectual disabilities, substance use disorder, and other human service needs.