
PA 211 Information and Referral Services

Connects with clients via telephone, text, or chat and provide information about and referrals to programs in their community that can assist them with anything from help finding housing to help paying for utilities or food. We also offer information and connection for community members who need help accessing healthcare, mental health services, and many more.

Physical Address


Chat is available during limited daytime hours Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.


No cost.


No eligibility requirement.


Translation service available


Service area


Agency info

PA 211

211 is a vital service leveraged by thousands of people across Pennsylvania. Every day at any time, clients can contact 211 to access free and confidential crisis and emergency counseling, disaster assistance, food, health care and insurance assistance, stable housing and utilities payment assistance, employment services, veteran services and childcare and family services. 211 specialists are trained to identify root causes of a client’s problem – and connect them with a wide range of available resources that meet all the underlying needs, not just the one that prompted the call or text. 211 makes the social services ecosystem/network more efficient by ensuring people in need are connected to agencies that can help them.