Specialized Service Coordination for ASL
Offers specialized service coordination services, outpatient therapy, and targeted case management services in American Sign Language (ASL) to adults and children who are: A) Deaf B) Deaf-blind C) Hard of hearing D) Involved with the justice system E) Seniors age 55 years and above
Related Services
Physical Address
1200 Reedsdale Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15233
Varies; call, video call, or email for details.
(412) 567-1755
Application process
Call, email, or video call for information and application.
Call for details.
Children and adults who are deaf, deaf-blind, and hard of hearing.
Service area
Allegheny, PA
Agency info
Pittsburgh Mercy - Behavioral Health
Provides mental and behavioral health integrated with physical health services for children, adolescents, and adults in out-patient and in-patient settings.