
Stroudsburg Wesleyan Church - Clothing Closet

Offers a wide variety of infant, toddler, children, teen and adult sized "gently used" clothing, shoes, boots, coats and accessories (such as backpacks, purses, belts, etc.). Periodically, has professional clothing such as scrubs or work-type pants available for adults. And, when prom time or school programs come around, has a variety of "dress up" clothes for kids and teens.

Physical Address

915 North Fifth Street, Stroudsburg, PA 18360


Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, 10:00am to 2:00pm; Wednesday, 10:00am to 5:00pm; Friday, 3:00pm to 7:00pm

Application process

Visit during Closet hours


Services free of charge.


No limitations or restrictions.

Service area

Monroe, PA

Agency info

Stroudsburg Wesleyan Church

Provides a place of worship and community outreach.