
Other Veteran Information and Services

08/2018: In light of recent events, the PA Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (PDMVA) might be able to offer a onetime benefit payment (up to a max of $1,600). All honorably discharged veterans should contact their county Veterans Affairs office for qualifications and processing. --------------------- Assists veterans in navigating the system to access the following services: dependency and indemnity compensation, health care enrollment, education benefit, vocational and rehabilitation training, home loan guarantees, life insurance, burial benefits, tax exemptions, emergency assistance, blind and paralyzed pension, specialized veteran’s license plates, markers and headstones.

Physical Address

400 South 8th Street, Lebanon, PA 17042


Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 12:30 and 1:30 to 4:30

Application process

Call or walk-in for more information




Must be a veteran-there may be other eligibility criteria based on each service

Service area

Lebanon, PA

Agency info

Lebanon County Veterans Affairs

Assists veterans and their widows with all federal and state veterans benefits