
Local Transit Service Information

Provides public transportation services throughout Pittsburgh and Allegheny County, including bus, light rail, incline, and paratransit services.

Physical Address

345 Sixth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222


Service Center at 623 Smithfield Street: Monday through Friday, 7:30am to 5:00pm. Customer Service Phone Line: Monday through Friday, 6:00am to 7:00pm. Weekends and Holidays, 8:00am to 4:30pm.

Application process

Call or visit the website for more information regarding fares and schedules.


Visit the Fare Information Page below for details: https://www.rideprt.org/fares-and-passes/fare-information/


Call or visit the eligibility website for details regarding eligibility for discounted fares.

Service area

Allegheny, PA

Agency info

Pittsburgh Regional Transit

Provides public transportation services throughout Pittsburgh and Allegheny County, including bus, light rail, incline and paratransit services. ACCESS is door-to-door, advance reservation, shared ride transportation provided throughout Port Authority's service area, serving primarily senior citizens and persons with disabilities.