Government Entity
Tax Services is comprised of tax assessment and tax claim functions. Tax Assessment - The Assessment office values all real estate and improvements in the county. We have both counter computers and property record cards where records may besearched and copies of various forms may be purchased. Assessment and tax claim records may also be searched through an on-line subscription service available at: Franklin County Parcel Mapper Plus available at Payment for this service is made in advance through PayPal. Tax Claim - Tax Claim collects all delinquent real estate taxes that were levied by the county, municipality or school district.
Physical Address
272 North Second Street, Chambersburg, PA 17201
Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Application process
Individuals may call or email to learn more about the services.
Fees are based on the service provided.
Call for information
Service area
Franklin, PA
Agency info
Franklin County Government
Franklin County is governed by a board of three county commissioners elected every four years by the citizens who live here. The Board of Commissioners oversees the entire operation of the county and represents the best interests of the citizens. County commissioners also oversee the the core functions of the county government such as fiscal operations, human resources, taxes, voting, emergency services, planning, and information technology. Other officials are also elected to perform certain functions: the Controller, the Treasurer, and the Recorder of Deeds. Under the direction of these officers, the county maintains important legal records such as real estate deeds, licenses and permits, and financial records.