

Serves as an informational and coordination center which handles and directs all calls for the various ministries within The Bridge of the Penn-York Valley Churches.

Physical Address

P.O. Box 202, Sayre, PA 18840


Monday and Wednesday, 9:00am to 12:30pm; Friday, 2:00pm to 4:00pm

Application process

Call or email to initiate the process for financial assistance.


Services free of charge.


Residents of the Athens, PA; Sayre, PA; or Waverly, NY School Districts. For financial assistance, also less than 200% of poverty, have eviction or shut-off notice for rent or utility assistance.

Service area

Athens, PA Sayre, PA Bradford, PA

Agency info

Bridge of the Penn-York Valley Churches

Provides tangible, financial, and spiritual support in times of crisis and emergency primarily to residents of Sayre and Athens, Pennsylvania and Waverly, New York school districts. Service location depends varies based on service being provided - food, clothing, furniture, or financial assistance.