
Community Services

Connects older adults with the community. A) PA MEDI - Medicare Counseling Program: Free one-on-one or telephone assistance to older persons to help them understand Medicare eligibility and benefits, Medicare supplemental insurance, and prescription drug coverage. B) Senior Center Information: For those 60+, a center offers meals, social activities, and a range of activities and wellness programming. D) Transportation Assistance: Rabbittransit has developed a shared ride program for those 60+ for specific programs and those 65+ for other transportation needs. For more information please call. E) Tax Assistance Program: This free service can address tax issues for most middle to low-income taxpayers age 60 and over.

Physical Address

318 West Middle Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325


Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm

Application process

Call for appointment


Call for details


Residents of Adams County age 60+

Service area

Adams, PA

Agency info

Adams County Office for Aging

Assists older adults in achieving and maintaining the highest possible quality of life. Provides services to support adults age 60+ in their homes and communities.