
Family Behavioral Health

Offers in-home counseling as a short-term transitional stabilization service for a child returning home from placement or avoiding placement due to safety concerns. Services include family counseling, education, skill development, and case management for parenting, health, and safety. Family Behavioral Health caseworkers visit families 2-3 times each week. The average length of service for families enrolled in Family Behavioral Health is 6-12 months.

Physical Address

18360 Technology Drive, Suite 200, Meadville, PA 16335


Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm

Application process

Referrals must be made by Venango County Children and Youth Services (CYS). Call for more information.


Families with children ages birth to 18 years old involved with Venango County Children and Youth Services (CYS).

Service area

Venango, PA

Agency info

Family Services of NW PA

Offers child welfare services, in-home behavioral health services, outpatient psychiatric services, school-based services, and mentoring and education services.