Play 'n Share
Play 'n Share is a discussion/support group for parents of infants and toddlers up to age 3 years. Children play in the same room as the parents. Parents learn information, gain support and have the opportunity to make connections with other parents. Since parental feelings of isolation are so prevalent and a cause for overly harsh disciplinary practices, this opportunity to talk with other parents and the two Parenting Educator facilitator is very significant. Parents choose the topics to discuss; some examples are sleep issues, isolation, eating, social needs of children and parents, spousal support, parent and in-law management. The environment in Play 'n Share is nurturing, non-judgmental and supportive, so that parents feel free to share and are open to learning new information.
$5.00 for members of the Center; $8.00 for non-members.Fee waivers available upon request.Payment by cash, check or online via PayPal
Service area
Bucks, PA Montgomery, PA Philadelphia, PA
Agency info
Center for Parenting Education
Provides parenting education and support programs that help parents raise their children in emotionally healthy ways.