Nursing Home Transition and Diversion Program
Supports adults age 18 and older who are diagnosed with both behavioral and physical health challenges. Coordinates services and treatment options for individuals who live in a nursing home but wish to live in the community, those who are at risk of being admitted to a nursing home, or those who consent to live in a nursing home and need additional support.
Related Services
Physical Address
665 Rodi Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15235
Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
(412) 244-9391
Application process
Click the Intake Website link below to complete a referral form. Submit the completed referral form by email or fax. Call or email for more information.
Accepts Community Health Choices
A) Adults age 18+ B) Nursing home clinically eligible C) Enrolled with Community Health Choices D) Identified as at-risk for managing the impact of their behavioral and physical health needs
Service area
Allegheny, PA
Agency info
Merakey Innovative Care and Education Solutions
A continuum of care providing services in the areas of mental health, addictive diseases, education, foster care and permanency, autism, intellectual and developmental disabilities, and many more specialized programs.