
Norristown YouthForce

Montgomery County O.I.C. is the lead agency for the Youthforce coalition that offers information on youth services ages 12 - 18.

Physical Address

1101 Arch Street, Norristown, PA 19401


Officer Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm. Program hours vary, call for information.

Application process

For more information, please visit www.nydcpa.orgAny agency that serves the youth of the Norristown community can become a member by completing a short application form.


Service provided free of charge


Montgomery County residents.

Service area

Montgomery, PA

Agency info

Montgomery County Opportunities Industrialization Center

Trains residents of the county so they can gain employable skills to become productive patrons of the community. Our training includes community revitalization, family literacy, life skills and cultural enrichment programs.