
Penn Employment Services

Assists consumers in finding jobs that fit their interests and needs. Provides on-the-job training while helping make necessary accommodations for each individual. Partners with local school districts to teach job skills and employment-related social skills to help students transition from school to work.

Physical Address

497 Hill Street, YORK, PA 17403


Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm

Application process

Call, visit website.


Services free of charge, if provided by referral sources


Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities or other Disabilities

Service area

York, PA

Agency info

ARC of York County

Provides summer and year round recreational programs for children and adults, adult employment training and job placement, transition-from-school-to-work aimed at preparing high school students with disabilities to enter the working world upon graduation, agency with choice services that help families and clients adapt to the general community through habilitation and respite services, and community education about intellectual disabilities and intellectual disability prevention.