Responsible for all county monies, and physically handles all income and disbursements. Services include investment of county funds, agent for Commonwealth selling dog, hunting, fishing and sportsmen pistol permits. Provides small games of chance and bingo licenses. Acts as Tax claim bureau for the county. Collects deliquent real estate taxes.
Physical Address
301 Main St., Towanda, PA 18848
Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
(570) 265-1795
Application process
Call for more information and/or application.
License fees vary.
Bradford County residents
Service area
Bradford, PA
Agency info
Bradford County Government
The main governing and representative body of county government is the three-member board of county commissioners. The county commissioners work in conjunction with other elected officials that are generally referred to as row offices These offices include the Sheriff, District Attorney, Prothonotary/ Clerk of Courts, Register of Wills/Recorder of Deeds and two jury commissioners.