Carbon County Area Agency on Aging
Provides local services, act as advocates, and generally assists older citizens to remain active in their communities. They operate under guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Aging. Services include: - Senior Centers and other activities - Legal Assistance - Benefit Counseling/Assistance with applications - Volunteer Opportunities - Ombudsman Services - Level of Care Assessment - Transportation - Provides Caregiver Support Program - Provides daily hands-on care - Protective Services for older adults to investigate reports of abuse, neglect, exploitation or abandonment and services to reduce risk for incapacitated persons. - Senior Farmer's Market Program distributes free vouchers for residents age 60 or older that meet income guidelines Core services offered after a clinical evaluation: - In-home services - In-home meals - Care/Case management - Consumer reimbursement - Adult Day Care - Personal Emergency Response System - Personal Care services Information and referr
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Physical Address
401 Delaware Avenue, Palmerton, PA 18071
Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Application process
There may be a cost share
Carbon County residents, age 60 and older
Service area
Carbon, PA
Agency info
Carbon County Area Agency on Aging
Provides local services, act as advocates, and generally assists older citizens to remain active in their communities. Operate under guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Aging.